Lifeskills & Advocacy

The services offered by KBIA to survivors of acquired brain injury help them come to terms with their injury and teaches strategies to improve their post injury lifestyle. In addition to all lifeskills services including help with self care, attending appointments, and housing, KBIA also offers additional training in memory aids, emotional management, financial management, substance abuse recovery as well as arts and crafts classes.



Lifeskills services are provided to the survivors of acquired brain injury whether from traumatic accident, stroke or brain tumour. We also offer support, information, education and hands on help to survivors’ family and caregivers.​



An important role for our lifeskills workers is as an advocate for survivors. From accompanying them to Doctors appointments to filling out PWD (Person's With Disabilities) applications, or accessing community services.



KBIA will provide services to all individuals who have an acquired brain injury or who are related to and/or care for someone who has an acquired brain injury. Please call us for more information and so we can get a referral started for you.

An acquired brain injury is defined as:

Damage to the brain, which occurs after birth and is not related to a congenital or a degenerative disease. These impairments may be temporary or permanent and cause partial or functional disability or psychosocial maladjustment. - World Health Organization (Geneva 1996)

Examples of acquired brain injury include:

– traumatic forces to the brain
– stroke
– bleeding in the brain
– lack of oxygen to the brain
– infections in the brain
– toxic exposure
– fluid build-up in the brain
– brain tumours